Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen that consists of three oxygen molecules instead of two. Since the molecular structure of ozone is highly reactive and unstable, it creates a curative response in the body by oxidizing and destroying any harmful substances or foreign objects.
Ozone is the strongest naturally occurring oxidant. It's produced in nature by lightning and exists in the atmosphere around the earth (the ozone layer) to help protect us from UV radiation from the sun.
How is Ozone Therapy Administered?
Ozone can be administered to the body in several ways: directly into the point of pain, or diseased area, topically on the skin, or systemically into the blood, which allows this readily available oxygen to do its work. Cells that are vulnerable to invasion by foreign pathogens, like viruses or bacteria, are susceptible to oxidation, which is exactly how ozone works to disrupt their growth, eliminate them and allow for the replacement of healthy cells.
Although the gas has dangerous effects, researchers have explored its therapeutic potential for over 100 years.
In medicine, controlled therapeutic doses are used in several ways, but it is NOT ingested or inhaled.
While in a gaseous state, ozone uses include:
Potential Health Benefits
Research has shown health issues that are have been supported with ozone therapy include:
Ozone Therapy FAQ's
Ozone therapy may be administered as frequently as twice per week depending on the patient's symptoms and response to therapy. Most patients will benefit from treatments every 1-2 weeks. Acute conditions may need 3-6 treatments to resolve, while chronic conditions may benefit from longer term therapy.
Ozone therapy, when applied correctly, is a safe procedure that offers many benefits. Because it does have some potential side effects, you need a highly trained doctor like Dr. Vaughan, who has extensive experience using ozone therapy to treat patients.
When used medically, the gas produced is NEVER inhaled and only given in precise therapeutic doses. Ozone therapy is one of the safest treatments of alternative medicine and rarely do patients experience adverse side effects.
Are there negative ozone therapy side effects? In a 1980 study, 5,579,238 ozone therapy treatments were examined which included approximately 600 therapists and over 300,000 patients. Of these, less than half a percent of patients (only 40 cases) reported negative side effects. The therapies given at ozone therapy clinics have been proven to be one of the safest medical therapies available in both integrative and conventional medicine.
The prices to receive ozone therapy ranges, but it is relatively inexpensive, though not covered by any insurance. National costs for ozone injections range from between $50 - $350, while intravenous treatment run from $125 up to $1200. At Vaughan Functional Medicine Center, we strive to keep our prices as reasonable as possible and our full price list is available at the office.
Prolozone injections - $100 to per area
Major autohemotherapy (MAH) - starts at $150 with lower price available with packages
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