Everyone Needs Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Dr. Carey Vaughan • November 8, 2023

93% of Americans are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids!!

Yep, you read that right.

Our bodies are made up of fat and water. Everyone knows that oil and water do not mix well, so why are we not a puddle on the floor??

It is because of the brilliant design of the cellular membrane called the phospholipid bilayer.  The phospholipid bilayer structure is what makes up most of our cell walls, and I like to think about cells as being castles with a moat around them - with the moat being the phospholipid bilayer.  This is constructed of two layers of water- and fat-soluble structures facing each other as shown in the picture above, and this allows cells to have strength and keep the cellular contents intact, but then also allows for substances, such as hormones, enzymes, etc., to get into the cell, as well as energy, waste products, etc. to be excreted from the cell.

There are multiple kinds of fatty acids (FAs) that our bodies use including omega 3, 6, 7, 9, etc. and they all have slightly different utilities within the body. Today I will focus on the importance of Omega 3 FAs and how by improving the ratio between the Omega 3's and Omega 6's, we can significantly improve our anti-inflammatory response in the body.

Omega 6 FAs includes all grains, vegetable oils, grain fed meat and dairy, etc. and tend to be more PRO-inflammatory.  This does not mean that we do not need these types of FAs but the standard American, ultra-processed diet is very high in these O6 FAs.

Omega 3 FAs includes fatty fish such as cod, salmon, sardines, and herring, or flax, walnuts, pecans, grass fed meat or dairy, etc. and tend to be ANTI-inflammatory. Many people do not eat fish at all, and others do not consume enough of the other O3 FA sources, which leads to an imbalanced ratio between these 2 types of fats in the body.

The proof is best shown in the numbers.  Back in 1900, before there was processed food, the average American consumed two Omega 6 FAs to one Omega 3 FA in their diet.  Today, people eating a SAD (Standard American diet) are eating as much 20 to 30 O6 FAs to one O3 FA!!  That number is astounding, and to me shows the reason why chronic disease is rampant in our country as well as explaining many of the current ills that plague our country, from mental health issues, intolerance and incivility, and the high mortality rate of COVID 19.

One of the root causes of inflammation is that the phospholipid bilayer becomes too stiff because people are consuming too many omega 6 FAs - which are more rigid in their structure - think of margarine that does not easily melt. Omega 3 FAs on the other hand are typically liquid, think of cod liver oil, that does not ever harden.  When this cellular membrane becomes too stiff, it means that the doorways and passageways that need to work to get things in and out the cell (thru the moat) cannot do so and thus begins the process of inflammation and lack of proper biochemical functioning that is required to keep a body healthy.

So aside from paying attention to your diet and working to reduce processed foods, and too many carbohydrates, most of us can benefit from adding a high-quality fish oil into our dietary regimen.  Of course, we need to be adding more of the fish mentioned above into our diets as well, but so many patients tell me that they just do not like fish and will not eat it.

I am very particular about fish oil and have found that many fish oil supplements are not good quality.  Where they come from and how they are produced matters. Unsustainable fishing is ridding our oceans at an alarming rate. Many of these products are rancid and thus can cause the fish burps or other unpleasant after-effects. Rancidity means that the product is oxidized, and oxidation is another root cause of inflammation and aging of the body tissues.  You need to look for a triglyceride form of fish oil since this is more bioavailable than the more common ethyl ester form. Consumer Labs (a great subscription-based non-profit that studies all manner of supplements, etc.) has a very nice article on Omega 3 FAs (linked on my FB page) and which brands they recommend. I typically recommend Nordic Naturals, which has a large line of products, is widely available and has a money back guarantee if a customer has a problem with their products.

Since there are an estimated 30 trillion cells in the body and there are over 200 types of cells, you can understand why having good cell membrane structure and function are critical to good health, and I hope that this shows why this is one simple thing that most of us need to do to improve our overall health and wellbeing.  Like anything else, you can overdo it so make sure to speak with a good functional medicine practitioner about dosing, as too much is just as bad as not enough!!

Wishing you blessings of optimal health,

Dr Carey

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